About Us

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who we are

Pink’b foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2019 in Kampala, Uganda. The foundation works with a number of schools both primary and secondary and those out of school in Uganda. This came after we noticed a number of bright, talented children with music, presentational skills, dance and drama being wasted and ending up joining bad groups. Formed for children, Pink’b aims to advance, promote, develop, nurture and uplift children through talent promotion, mentorship, guidance and counseling so they can grow up in to responsible adults who in turn will be active members and participants in community development, education and the workforce.Our Aim To support children from all walks of life through talent nurturing ,career guidance and mentorship programs programs to the society. To empower, offer quality education and guidance to children from poor backgrounds. To monitor a career of a child and graduates to avail job opportunities. To provide guidance for availing skills in several spheres of life (media training,catering, fashion and design,music dance and drama, etc ,..)

Mrs. Diana Kalyesubula


what we believe



1. Empowerment: We are dedicated to empowering children by nurturing their talents and providing them with the guidance and resources needed to develop into responsible, active members of their communities.2. Inclusivity: We strive to create an inclusive environment where children from all backgrounds can explore and develop their talents, ensuring equal opportunities for growth and success.



To create a better life for child through proper education, mentorship, career guidance and talent nurturing.



To create an environment in which every child is supported and cared for spiritually .physically, morally, intellectually .socially and emotionally.

Trishila Gaita

"I'd like to thank Pink’B Foundation for giving me a platform to express myself as a proud young lady, pursue my talent, and gain exposure in the academic sphere. Their sponsorship of my schooling has provided me with invaluable support and opportunities."