About Us

what we do

Pink’b foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2019 in Kampala, Uganda. The foundation works with a number of schools both primary and secondary and those out of school in Uganda. This came after we noticed a number of bright, talented children with music, presentational skills, dance and drama being wasted and ending up joining bad groups. Formed for children, Pink’b aims to advance, promote, develop, nurture and uplift children through talent promotion, mentorship, guidance and counseling so they can grow up in to responsible adults who in turn will be active members and participants in community development, education and the workforce.

Our programs


At Pink’b Foundation, our outreach programs are the cornerstone of our mission to uplift and empower children across Uganda. We engage with a wide range of schools, both primary and secondary, as well as children who are out of school, to provide the support and guidance they need to flourish…..


Nurturing Talent

Nurturing Talent is at the heart of what we do at Pink’b Foundation. We believe that every child has unique abilities and potential that, when properly guided and developed, can lead to a bright future. Nurturing Talent is at the heart of what we do at Pink’b Foundation….. 


The Raise of Hope initiative is a vital aspect of our commitment to creating a brighter future for the children of Uganda. At Pink’b Foundation, we understand that hope is a powerful motivator and a key ingredient for success…..

Support Our Cause

Every little support can go a long way and make an impact

Unleash Potential

Ignite Dreams

[ Pink’b Foundation ]

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